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The title for this one is from Edward Thomas' 'Celandine,' a pretty little poem with lots of lovely imagery. In which the crew of The Revenge board a ghost ship and encounter the stories of lovers, revolutionaries and outcasts. Where it's materialised from, nobody seems to know.

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'It's a rarity these days that the co-captains of The Revenge are woken unpleasantly, but it's the small hours when Izzy first sees it.'Īll is peaceful aboard The Revenge until, one night, a huge ship emerges suddenly from the mist. Tyiswriting Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV) What did I know, what did I know of love’s austere and lonely offices? -Robert Hayden, from Those Winter Sundays Language: English Words: 6,683 Chapters: 1/? Hits: 0 When they meet on an art gallery roof one fateful evening, they discover just how much opposites attract. Blackbeard is a successful outsider artist with a dangerous reputation who feels trapped by his fame. Stede is a lonely and anxious corporate attorney who finds himself stuck in a mid-life rut. VetiverPress Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)

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